If you want to study in the Netherlands as a foreign student, you must be enrolled as a student at a Dutch educational establishment (e.g. a university, an institute of further education, or a vocational school). As a student in the Netherlands, you are not required to have Dutch health insurance, but you need to have a health insurance that covers your stay in the Netherlands. You have a responsibility to check that you are adequately covered by insurance for the duration of your stay.
While it’s not mandatory for students to have Dutch health insurance, this isn’t entirely accurate because certain situations require having local coverage. So, do international students in the Netherlands absolutely need to obtain Dutch health insurance?
Study purposes only
When the government of the Netherlands recognizes you as a resident, you are required to obtain Dutch health insurance. However, since their time in the Netherlands is limited to the duration of their studies, international students are not required by law to enrol in a Dutch health insurance plan.
If you are a citizen of the EU/EEA, you may be eligible for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) that will cover your necessary medical expenses throughout your stay. Please check with your health insurance provider in your own country, as this may vary per country. Find more information about the EHIC here: Everything You Need to Know About the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) | Doktoro
Working while studying
If you begin working in the Netherlands while studying, whether it is a small part-time job, a paid internship, or volunteer work for which you are compensated, you will most likely be covered by the Wlz scheme (the Long-term Care Act), which means you will be required to obtain Dutch health insurance. Please keep in mind that a zero-hour contract qualifies as a job as well.
If you are self-employed (in Dutch: ZZP-er), contact the SVB and seek an evaluation of your Wlz position. The SVB will determine whether you are required to obtain Dutch public health insurance.
Will the health insurance from your home country cover you while you’re there?
EU, EEA and Switzerland
If you are from the EU, EEA or Switzerland an EHIC card will be sufficient to cover your basic medical costs during your stay. However, the EHIC is not a substitute for travel insurance, as it does not cover the cost of returning home after suffering severe injuries or sickness. And neither does it pay for private medical care or scheduled treatments.
Students from outside the European Union or the European Economic Area who are not working or interning in the Netherlands are not eligible for the country’s public health insurance program. In this case, private health insurance is your best bet.
Healthcare allowance (Zorgtoeslag)
International students who are required to have Dutch health insurance can apply for healthcare allowance (zorgtoeslag) to help cover their monthly premiums. Check the eligibility conditions for the Dutch healthcare allowance here: I have Dutch healthcare insurance (belastingdienst.nl)
In conclusion, if you’re planning to study in the Netherlands as a foreign student, it’s crucial to understand the country’s health insurance requirements. While international students are not required by law to enroll in a Dutch health insurance plan, those who work are required to obtain Dutch health insurance. If you’re from the EU, EEA, or Switzerland, an EHIC card will cover your basic medical costs during your stay. However, it’s not a substitute for travel insurance. Non-EU, EEA students who are not working or interning in the Netherlands should consider private health insurance. Lastly, international students who are required to have Dutch health insurance can apply for a healthcare allowance (zorgtoeslag) to help cover their monthly premiums. Always remember to check your coverage and ensure you’re adequately insured for the duration of your stay.
You can find more information about health insurance in the Netherlands here: English – Zorgverzekeringslijn