About Us

Doktoro is changing the way people access healthcare in the Netherlands by giving patients tools to manage their own healthcare journey. Our digital platform empowers patients, improves quality of care and solves core problems arising from the ever-growing healthcare shortages, by providing accessible healthcare solutions to both patients and general practitioners. 

What we offer

For General Practitioners 

General Practitioners are seriously affected by the rise in staff-shortages and ever-increasing workloads. As such, we have made it a priority to provide tools to enable them to manage their workflow, connect with patients and reduce their over-all workload while increasing the quality of care that they provide. 

In short, our platform makes it easy for GPs and their assistants to keep track of appointments automatically and carry out consultations electronically. We also provide rerouting and telehealth services to reduce workloads by up to 20% and improve patient access to appointments. Our data analytics tools help you understand your patient base and provide insights that can help you improve the efficiency and quality of care. 

For Patients

We understand that the healthcare system can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. Our GP Matchmaking Service and Knowledge Center aim to solve this problem by organising all the information and resources a patient needs in one place. 

For instance, our GP Matchmaking Service allows patients to find a general practitioner in their local area by just filling out a short form. The entire process takes less than 5 minutes and allows a patient to be matched with the best suited medical professional. We do this by taking into account the patients medical history, the expertise of the GP, and we screen dozens of reviews (because we know that not every GP is good). 

In the future, patients will be able to access their digital medical dossier right in our platform, to keep track of their medical records, appointments, and prescriptions. 

Mission & Vision

We envision a society in which healthcare is easy, accessible, personalized and most importantly preventive. By leveraging advances in Artificial Intelligence, Bio-Informatics and related fields such a society can become a reality. A society in which we do not need to worry about how long we will live, but can rather focus on how we live.

Our mission to achieve that vision is clear, develop platforms and technologies that make healthcare more accessible while empowering and enabling individuals to take their health into their own hands.

Want to Know More?

Do you want to learn more about who we are and what we do? Inquire about joining us? Or perhaps just have a quick chat.

We would love to hear from you!


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